Lead-Free and Limited Lead-Free Certificates

Posted By: Adam Skolnik CPM, ARM, CAE Government Affairs,

Date: 1/17/25

To: IREMMD Members

From: Adam Skolnik, CPM, ARM, CAE, Executive Director

RE: Lead-Free and Limited Lead-Free Certificates

As you may have seen in the Baltimore Banner, the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) recently concluded an investigation and filed a lawsuit against a Baltimore-based inspection firm, Green Environmental, and its owner, Rodney Bryan Barkley. The firm has been accused of serious violations, including altering test results and using unlicensed and unregistered equipment to issue lead-free and limited lead-free certificates. MDE invalidated over 100 certificates.

If your organization utilized Green Environmental for lead inspections, we strongly recommend that you review your status with appropriate counsel.  You might find that your properties will need to be re-tested as soon as possible to ensure compliance and safety.

Additionally, for those who have used other inspection firms for lead-free or limited lead-free inspections since 1996, we suggest, as a precaution, that you review the underlying inspection reports to confirm that HUD Chapter 7 testing requirements were met fully. The cautionary message is that you cannot rely solely on your accredited testing firm to confirm that an MDE 330 form is valid — owners and managers must know and understand the testing requirements to ensure the testing is valid.  Remember the underlying reports and any related documentation must be readily accessible if requested by MDE.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 410-627-6405.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.